Sometimes, we all get really sick and can't come to school.
When you have been absent, you must go to the Attendance Office to obtain an admittance slip. You cannot come to class without it; if you do, you will be sent to get one. THIS WILL BE COUNTED AS A TARDY! Plus, you are still responsible for any work missed when you were out of class taking care of your business.
You might have missed a lab or important activity that was graded. Unfortunately, many labs cannot be made up because of preparation time and circumstances. An alternative assignment may be assigned and usually involves an original, written report with cited sources. Most labs must be made up after school. Quizzes and tests may contain information learned from labs, so it is important to watch videos online or have discussions with your classmates about the lab experiences.
Check GOOGLE CLASSROOM for missed assignments and video lessons BEFORE you ask the teacher, "What did I miss?"
1. You have a limited number of days to make up work. For example, if you were absent for 3 days, then all of your work, including tests, must be made up within 3 days and turned in.
2. All tests and quizzes must be made up after or before school, at the teacher's discretion. There are no "off" days in Chemistry Class, and you will miss additional important information if you are making up a test while class is going on.
3. Your work schedule is not my concern. If you have an after-school job, you should make arrangements with your employer to stay after school, if your grade is important to you. School should be your first priority. Other students deserve my full attention for classroom instruction every day, so see me between classes or before/after school, if needed.
4. REMEMBER that EXCUSED ABSENCES can be made up at 100% but UNEXCUSED ABSENCES only receive 70% of the earned grade.
5. It is the STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to obtain make up assignments and schedule tests/quizzes, NOT THE TEACHER'S RESPONSIBILITY!
Missed Labs & Alternative Assignments
IF a handout was distributed in class, look in your class folder for the makeup work. It will have your name on it.
IF a Power Point was shown, you can print it out by clicking on the "Power Point" button and finding the one that you missed. Ask a classmate or stay after school if you need additional help.
IF you missed a TEST or QUIZ, schedule a make up date/time with the teacher. If you miss your appointment, you will receive a 0. (See handbook for complete policy.)
IF you missed a LAB, ask the teacher about the make up assignment. DO NOT COPY SOMEONE ELSE'S LAB REPORT AND TURN IT IN. You will receive a 0. You may be required to write a 2-page report about the topic you missed, including 2 cited sources, OR, you may need to make up the lab after school.